Marking Tasks in Zooniverse Aggregation

How does the aggregation engine handle marking tasks? In the __aggregate__ function in AggregateAPI, the key step is:

if marking_tasks != {}:
    aggregations = self.__cluster__(used_shapes,raw_markings,image_dimensions)

Note that marking tasks are stored as a dictionary (more on that later) so if the dictionary is non-empty, we have markings to aggregate.

In AggregateAPI.__cluster__ we have the basic following code

                annotations_per_subjects = []
                users_per_subjects = []
                height = None
                width = None

                # if the query was not successful - print out the error message and raise an error
                if not success:
                assert success

                # seem to have the occasional "retired" subject with no classifications, not sure
                # why this is possible but if it can happen, just make a note of the subject id and skip
                if record_list == []:

                # go through every annotation for this particular subject
                for ii,record in enumerate(record_list):
                    # check to see if the metadata contains image size
                    if ii == 0:
                        metadata = record.metadata
                        height,width = self.__extract_width_height__(metadata)

                    # the main stuff we want to return user id and their annotations

                yield int(subject_id),users_per_subjects,annotations_per_subjects,(height,width)

        raise StopIteration()

    def __cassandra_connect__(cassandra_instance):
        Connect to the Cassandra DB - either a local one or the Zooniverse aws one. If unable to connect, re-try up to 10 times and then raise an error.

            If we are not able to connect to the Cassandra DB after 10 tries.

This is the main code for aggregating markings. So what’s going on? Aggregating markings is also known as clustering markings. Note that we only cluster over shapes that are actually used. Also note that we cluster on shapes and not individual tools. To understand why, consider an example of Penguin Watch where people can mark a penguin as either an adult or chick. Both of these markings are made with a point marking tool. What happens if someone gets the type wrong? In the classification step of our code we’ll return a probability of what type the cluster actually is. The alternative would be after each marking to have a follow up question which asks the user what type a “thing” - this would double the number of clicks a user would have to make.

There are several different types of marking tools available in Panoptes:

  • point
  • line
  • ellipse
  • rectangle
  • arbitrary polygon

In the code above we iterate over each shape independently and do the clustering for each shape. We don’t worry about things like false positives yet (e.g. thinking that a rock is a penguin) - this gets handled by the follow up classification.

In, there are two main functions

  • __aggregate__(self,raw_markings,image_dimensions)
  • __cluster__(self,markings,user_ids,tools,reduced_markings,dimensions,subject_id)

The first function, __aggregate__ is what we call from the outside and further divides the set of markings up further to pass on to __cluster__, i.e. __aggregate__ takes all the markings for a given workflow over multiple subjects and ___cluster__ takes markings for a single subject and single task within that workflow.